Two women outdoors smiling“Julia asks me what my goals are, but she doesn’t say what’s your plan to get there, she says, let’s work on a plan together,” says Cynda. “When I was opening a bank account she didn’t say, where do you want to open a bank account, she said, let’s visit some banks together, and you can see what options are available. She is so respectful of me.”

Julia and Cynda were first matched in early 2014 in AFC Leaders. As part of AFC Leaders, Julia and Cynda engaged in Learn & Earn, a ten-month curriculum based program which provides youth who have been impacted by foster care the opportunity to learn employment, health and life skills with the support of an adult mentor in preparation for adulthood.

Following Cynda’s graduation from Learn & Earn, she and Julia decided to become an official match at AFC Mentoring. Julia says, “To me, it’s really important that Cynda and I have a relationship as she begins adulthood because she has so many goals that she wants to attain and I really enjoy being someone in her life she can bounce ideas and strategies off of.”

Julia adds that she is amazed by Cynda’s honesty and determination. “Cynda has taught me so much about what it really means to persevere, to keep trying to find a pathway that will lead to success whether that’s a job, a living situation, a bank account, or school. In the year that I have known Cynda, she has never once given up on trying to achieve her goals. Not once. No. Matter. What. She is so determined and resourceful that I know she will reach her hopes and dreams!”

Cynda echoes with her own admiration for Julia. “Gosh, she is so cool! There is so much I could say about her. She understands my situation, wants to help and goes out of her way for me. ”