PrintAFC’s Executive Director Colby Swettberg is focused on continuous improvement. Collaborating with Social Venture Partners (SVP) is helping the team at AFC think creatively about our work.

SVP Consultant, Laura Hockett, explained, “Innovation isn’t always about a new service. Innovation can be how a company tackles old challenges with better tools and better application of skill sets. That is at the core of AFC’s culture of innovation. The challenges that youth in foster care face are not new. But AFC has focused on developing new tools and applying skills in new ways to deliver support services more effectively, more efficiently and for longer and longer periods of time. With such a strong culture of innovation and drive, AFC will undoubtedly continue to be at the forefront of developing new, even more effective services to even more youth in foster care.”

Stay tuned for more about AFC’s work with SVP and all of the exciting things going on at AFC!